Case Study: One Community, One Club: The Story of Burnaby Football Club Challenge FC Durham Academy, a renowned football club, sought to strengthen its online presence and build a stronger connection with its community. Their existing social media channels lacked a...
FSQ Sport and Fenris Group, two industry leaders, are announcing a joint venture aimed at transforming the youth and amateur sports experience. This venture will provide an all-in-one solution that prioritizes players, simplifies administration, and empowers all...
Article written by FSQ’s Director of Sport, Matt Young New Team – Same Player. Club Hopping: The Fast Track to Nowhere. Club / Team hopping in youth sports has become a common trend, with parents frequently moving their children from one club/team to...
Article written by FSQ’s Director of Sport, Matt Young The Canadian Sport Governance system is no longer effective for many reasons. Here are the top 5: It FAILS to Serve Its Primary Consumer: The model prioritizes the self-preservation of those in...
Article written by FSQ’s Director of Sport, Matt Young We all know youth sports are where kids grow, learn and enjoy the camaraderie of competition. For parents, however, it’s a different game—one where hopes and expectations often clash with reality. Among a...
Article written by FSQ’s Director of Sport, Matt Young For years, the “pay-to-play” system has been a point of frustration for participants, families and community leaders. Its premise is simple: if you can afford to pay, your child will have access...